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Our deepest Condolences to family and friends on the sad demise ofour member Sue Khan.


Our deepest Condolences to Rachel Bhot and her family on the sad demise of her mother in law.


Our deepest Condolences to Simone Assomull and her family on the sad demise ofher father.


Our deepest Condolences to Persis Vatcha and her family on the sad demise of her mother in law and senior Indus member Sylla Vatcha.


Our deepest Condolences to Asha Shankardas and her family on the sad demise of her husband, who has for many years supported INDUS as our accountant.


Advisory Committee 2020-2021

Dinoo Parakh, Penelope Shrivastav, Mona Mahadevia



We are happy to announce the charities INDUS has supported this year:



Passages UdayanCare VCare

Deeds public charitable trust

Kurtade panchakroshi shikshan prasarak mandal JaiVakeel


RS. 1,00,000

RS. 1,00,000

RS. 1,00,000

RS. 1,00,000

RS. 1,05,000

RS. 1,00,000

RS. 1,00,000


Indus Noticeboard via Whatsapp

If you do not receive information via the Indus Noticeboard on whatsapp or removed yourself from the list in the past and would like to rejoin, please contact the membership treasurers or Anita Mahtani on +91 96192 72818.

The same information is also email


Annual fee payment

Please send your renewal fee of RS. 3,500 before 31st August 2020, or a late payment fine of RS. 500 will be charged.

Because of the Covid-19 situation we prefer a contact less payment via bank transfer.

Cash envelopes (incl. Name and Membership No.) to be dropped to the residences of the treasurers Pervin Poonavala or Sucharu Khanna.

Below are the details for the online bank transfer:


Zoom meetings

For all zoom meetings we will use a recurring meeting ID and Password, which you will receive at the beginning of June via whatsapp and email.

The same Indus meeting ID will allow you to join all Indus zoom meetings, unless otherwise noted in the newsletter.

Please join by 11.00 a.m., the speaker will start at 11.15 a.m. and after the talk there will be Q&A session.

Please remember to change to your actual name, ideally add your membership number and bear name badges to keep track of attendance.


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