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Greetings to all the Women of Indus!


We cannot start this new year – our 47th – without thanking once more the exceptional women who composed the Board and Executive Committees last year, led by Mumtaz Kachwalla and Dettha Pieters. They succeeded in reinforcing what makes the spirit of Indus: the forging of friendships and a thirst for knowledge, through a series of highly successful meetings and fellowships where one could learn and mingle. We would also like to thank the nominating committee for placing their trust in us and giving us a dynamic and diverse Board to work with … not forgetting our enthusiastic Chairladies!


Indus is, by status, an association of women. Because we believe in the importance of women in all civilizations, because we want to support the Indian woman who is asserting herself more and more in a world still male-oriented, because we are proud of the strength of our Members, women of talents, women of spirit, open to the world and warm-hearted, we have decided our theme for this year would be “Celebrating Womanhood”. We hope you have noticed our new logo, designed by one of our Members.


It represents feminity as sacred, as we hope the Indian society will show growing faith and respect in its women. Wishing all of us, Women of Indus, a great year!



Dinoo Parakh                                                             Helene Lecuyer

Mumtaz Kachwalla                                                   Dettha Pieters



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