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June 20, 2014

Time 11.00 a.m.  to 12.15 p.m.


Residence of: Rupande Parekh




Today environmental pollution has reached such extensive levels thatnothing is completely natural anymore.  Not the air we breathe, thefood we eat or for that matter the water we drink.  Most of us thinkthat water which is bottled is safe and healthy, but in fact it isdead water that we are consuming and does very little to hydrate our bodies. The Bio Disc is a new age wellness device that addresses theseproblems and helps to restore us to optimum health.  It is a miracleof nature and science in which it uses 14 minerals found in nature,known to have healing properties and employs high heat fusion andnano- technology to embed them into glass. The device has multiplehealth applications; is safe for use for all ages, ranging from a dayold baby to a hundred year old person. 

The device will be shown and its usage demonstrated by an expert, Ms Asha Sood, who has trained and worked with an internationally known doctor holding expertise on the subject.  Asha Sood is a Chartered accountant and lawyer by education and an entrepreneur by profession.  She was suffering from debilitating lower back problems and asthma which marred her life considerably when she was introduced to the Bio Disc.  Having experienced it herself, she has never looked back and would like to share her experiences with you all.


Nafisa Khorakiwala                                                 Mila Kahlon


Anjali Mathur                                                           Selma Kreigner



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