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As the monsoon season begins refreshing us all after the summer heat, we look forward to some exciting and interesting Indus meetings. Our chairladies are working hard to arrange some fabulous speakers and we hope to see our members taking full advantage of this and attending in large numbers. We thank the outgoing Chairladies for organising some wonderful meetings in June to start the year off in style.


Continuing the initiative started by last year’s Presidents, we are very happy that many of our members have decided to receive the newsletter only by email and not as a hard copy. If you would like to add your name to the list of members receiving the newsletter only by email, please get in touch with the Membership Treasurers.


The Board is working towards some great events this year, starting with a Fellowship meeting in September. We hope to make these events participative, interactive and entertaining. We are looking forward to having many of our members joining in with the organisation of such events.


Our travel Committee has put together an itinerary to Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Check the Noticeboard for details and do consider coming along on this fascinating trip. It will be a great opportunity to make new friends and strengthen existing friendships.


We have a vacancy for one foreign chairlady for Performing Arts. Please do talk to the Presidents if you are interested and we can give you more information about what it entails. It really is a lot of fun.


If you have any suggestions, ideas or questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Looking forward to seeing you all at the meetings


Vrinda Jhunjhunwala

Rachel Bhot




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