Friday 17th 11.00 a.m. - 12.15 p.m.
Residence of: Nisha Mehta
Guests welcome
Dr. Mazda Turel, a practising Neurosurgeon at the New age Wockhardt Hospital, will discuss common Neurological symptoms, which cannot be ignored and need attention. How does one diagnose an early stroke? When does one need surgery and how to avoid it? How serious is tingling and numbness, common causes of neck and back pain? How to take care of your spine with emphasis on posture sitting, standing and sleeping right.
Dr. Mazda attained his neurology degree from the prestigious Christian Medical College in Vellore. He was the 5th recipient to be conferred with the Jacob Chandy Gold Medal in the last 35 years. He believes in the active participation of the patients' family and the medical staff for better results with a both balanced and aggressive approach.
This promises to be a very interesting and informative talk.
Nafisa Khorakiwala Shabana Abdulkarim