Wednesday 13th 11.00 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.
Salt Escape
Hanuman Building,
Ground Floor
300 Perin Nariman Street
Opp Asiatic Library,
Near Horniman Circle
Please note change of date
We have all grown up knowing the healing powers of salt. Salt Escape is the city’s first of its kind salt spa that offers a completely natural and safe therapy to alleviate many symptoms of respiratory and skin conditions. Based on the age-old anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory antiseptic properties of salt and being completely natural, there are no known side effects to this treatment. Salt therapy is great for anyone and is suitable for children 6 months and above. Conditions treated are asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cough, shortness of breath, ear ache, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), wheezing, chest infection, psoriasis, eczema, acne.
Salt therapy is also an excellent option for athletes and singers, who rely on outstanding lung function, people suffering from stress and anxiety and anybody who wants to boost their immunity and general wellness. So please come to learn about this new technique for the first time in Mumbai.
Anurita Chadha Valerie Almeida