The Indus year begins on 1st April and ends on 31st March.
10 meetings must be attended during the year.
7 meetings should be attended before the end of December.
Please only sign in yourself and your guest.
Arrival after 10.45 a.m. will not be eligible for attendance.
Departure before the speaker has finished, or before chairlady invites you to leave, will also count as non-attendance.
Wear your badge at all times. This applies particularly to chairladies and hostesses as there are a lot of new members who do not know who you are.
Attendance at the Fellowship dose not earn attendance points.
Ways to earn participation points:
Being a hostess for a meeting.
Being a co-hostess for one of the Fellowship Meetings.
Helping the hostess and/ or chairladies at meetings.
Arranging a speaker or demonstration.
Acting, dancing, back-stage, knitting, speaking, demonstrating, baking cakes for events, taking part in Quiz etc.
Helping with or hosting one of our many events – Festival of Charities, Annual Event, Festive Morning, AGM, or transport for outing.